Player Information
Mental Wellbeing
At MURFC, we take the welfare of our players seriously, especially when it comes to mental health.
The Club is committed to ensuring that our players are not only physically safe, but also mentally safe.
If you, or anyone you know, is suffering from a mental illness and in need of support, there are a number of free community resources that can help.
These resources can help to identify the signs of mental illness, provide further information and give you options to get the help you need.
You are not alone.
There is always someone to hear your pain and problems, and to help keep you safe.
If you don't feel comfortable talking to family, friends, teammates or staff members, there are a number of organisations that provide support services to people suffering mental health issues.
They also provide services to family members looking for assistance for a loved one.
Lifeline: 13 11 14 MensLine: 1300 78 99 78
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Ambulance Victoria Cover
Ambulance Victoria responds to over 800,000 calls for medical help from Victorians every year.
That is over 2,200 calls a day. Emergency medical transport services are not free and not covered by Medicare.
The cost of one emergency road transport is in excess of $1,200.
You may have ambulance cover included in your Private Health Insurance.
If not, become a genuine Ambulance Victoria member and be protected against the cost of transport and treatment by paramedics.
Ambulance Victoria Cover is Affordable, and available to any Australian citizen or visa holder.
FAMILY: Quarterly - $25.97, 1 Year - $103.88
SINGLES: Quarterly - $12.99, 1 Year - $51.94
Click HERE for the link to Ambulance Victoria
or call 1800 64 84 84 (Mon – Fri 8am – 8pm & Sat 9am – 5pm)

Private Health Insurance
It is strongly recommended that all players have private health insurance, with hospital cover.
This allows immediate referral for surgery, if needed, with minimal out of pocket expenses.
Players without hospital cover face significant delays for non-life threatening surgery (shoulder dislocation, ACL surgery etc). This also allows you to choose your surgeon, and surgery date, rather than waiting in the public system.
To compare health insurance, try:
Compare The Market

Rugby Australia Insurance
Once registered, you are covered by the Rugby AU Sports Injury & Liability Insurance Plan.​
This provides payment towards non-Medicare medical expenses, after any reimbursement from your Private Health Fund. A $100 excess applies to each claim, to a maximum of $3000.
Most injuries will not require completion of a rugby insurance claim, however larger injuries requiring surgery or long phsyiotherapy treatment, likely will.
This insurance will only cover out-of-pocket costs, which are reimbursed after you have paid the expenses.
It is not the same as having private health insurance nor will get you into a private hospital.
It will help with injuries requiring longer treatment.
It is the player's responsibility to obtain all required information (including doctor's/physiotherapist's report) and send the claim form to the nominated address within 30 days of injury.

To submit a claim under the Personal Injury Insurance policy, follow the steps below:
Complete the Rugby Australia Injury Report form and select 'Yes' to Make Insurance Claim.
Confirmation of your injury report form submission will be sent via email to the relevant Club/School/Union/Event contact.
SLE (The Insurer / Claims Manager) will provide instructions on how to complete the claim lodgement to the player or other person whose email address is noted in the Injury Report form.
SLE (The Insurer / Claims Manager) will contact you for more information if necessary. Depending on the nature of the claim, this may include:
Club Secretary Declaration
Employer Declaration
Medical Certificate(s)
If your claim is approved, Payment or Payments will be made via EFT to your nominated bank account.
University of Melbourne Insurance
In addition to Rugby Australia Insurance, MURFC is covered by University of Melbourne insurance.
This follows a similar protocol to Rugby Australia, where you are covered for out-of-pocket expenses (non-Medicare and private health insurance) only, up to $8000.
This ensures our players are covered for $11,000 in medical expenses, rather than the usual $3000 under Rugby Australia.
You should still consider seeking private health insurance to ensure speedy surgery, with the surgeon of your choice, with minimal out-of-pocket expenses.
Otherwise, you are liable to pay the fees upfront, then be reimbursed at a later date.

​Income Protection:
Under the University of Melbourne insurance, you are also covered for $20,000 annual income protection, if you are unable to attend work, and have used all sick leave entitlements.
This equates to maximum of ~$420 per week.
If you require more than $420/week, you should strongly consider seeking income protection, and/or discuss with your superannuation fund.
To make an insurance claim, fill in FORM HERE.
Scan and email the claim form through to and copy in